I bought branded products and why it didn’t matter as much

Aakanchha Keshri
2 min readOct 12, 2022


I never had money to buy branded stuff before, but when I did, it didn’t matter very much. I’ll tell you why.

After a year of splurging on brands, I realized why 90% of that don’t make your life as comfortable as you would imagine. Sold to the promises of a new transformed look and life, I went on replacing my old wardrobe with a “brand” new one.

I went from buying trendy dresses to high-end shoes to costly glasses. At one point, I was on a spree to replace every ordinary thing in my wardrobe with its “classier” / “branded” version. It was all a failure.

Now I know you’d imagine me shopping like Sonam Kapoor in Aisha while “Suno Aisha” plays in the background. I wish it were like that, but most of my shopping happened online and definitely NOT in a day. Though it would have been cooler ;) But since I am neither rich nor crazy like Sonam Kapoor, I tried to put a little thought into my shopping.

Even then I fell for the marketing gimmicks and ended up buying absolute crap that is occupying more space in my home and is eventually going to contribute to environmental waste.

The curling gel that was supposed to be a breakthrough in wavy hair sciences lies unattended and half dusty in my vanity. Those big chunky shoes that looked so dope in pictures did make my legs hurt. The pretty red cashmere sweater that felt like butter on my skin did go bad a little too quickly. The countless beauty and skincare products that made absolutely zero difference. I can go on.

Now, don’t get me wrong here, I am all for quality and comfort. I have also chanced upon that 10% of the stuff that genuinely felt like an upgrade. But the odds aren’t great enough to feel happy and not spend 3 hours writing this post.

I was sold a transformation that never came. All this stuff didn’t change me into a new person overnight. I stayed the same. My worries stayed the same. My aspirations stayed the same. And my cravings? They just shifted to the next shiny object. Ironically I never felt satisfied after one purchase, it almost always triggered more cravings and more expenditure.

So here’s a thought for girls (even boys) who are going to splurge like me. Please don’t! You may buy Nike and still can’t do it ;)

